Unique and Authentic Anime Design: This costume is a must-have for anime enthusiasts, featuring a unique and authentic design inspired by Japanese anime culture, allowing users to channel their inner anime character with a high level of accuracy.
High-Quality Materials: Made from high-quality polyester fiber and cloth, this costume is durable and long-lasting, ensuring that it withstands repeated wear and tear, even during extended periods of use, such as in theatrical performances or costume parties.
Customizable Sizes: Available in various sizes, including S, M, L, XL, 2XL, and 3XL, this costume can fit a wide range of users, from petite to larger individuals, making it an attractive option for both men and women.
Support for Sample Order with a 7-Day Lead Time: This costume offers a quick turnaround time for sample orders, with a 7-day lead time, allowing users to receive their sample order in a timely manner, facilitating the decision-making process for larger orders.
Competitive Pricing with 50% Deposit Before Production: This costume offers competitive pricing with a flexible payment option of 50% deposit before production and the balance before delivery, making it an attractive option for users looking for a cost-effective solution for their cosplay needs.